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By Mary Grabar, Posted June 10, 2013

Thank you, The People's Cube, for alerting the Dissident Prof to this subversive performance by teachers against the State! Do they know, however, about Common Core Rap? Confusion may arise, for teachers aleady are doing mandated "close readings" by using Jay-Z.

Common Core Rap is an actual company ready to take tax dollars to raise standards by using rap to teach Common Core.  They explain:

Common Core Rap began as an idea to further engage students in the classroom using music, video, and Common Core curriculum. In sales, companies must relate to their customers to be successful. In education, teachers must relate to students and motivate them through 36 weeks of learning. Common Core Rap is designed to interrupt monotony and inject energy via music into the classroom while staying true to Common Core instructional standards.

See Jane tonight

Jane Robbins of the American Principles Project says that John Barge, Georgia State School Superintendant, will be with her in a  panel discussion on Common Core in Fayetteville, Georgia, tonight.  Visit for details. 

Helping Dissident Prof Counter Conservative Professor Oppression Denial

Check out Rachel Alexander's column, "Suspicions Confirmed: Academia Shuts Out Conservative Professors," in today's Townhall.  Alexander writes about Neil Gross's book Why Professors Are Liberal and Why Do Conservatives Care?

Gross’s thesis is that conservatives self-select other professions, independently choosing not to become professors because academia is so liberal. But this sidesteps the clear evidence Gross provides revealing faculty bias in hiring. Gross cites, yet ignores, a study which found that seven percent of conservative academics report having been the victim of political discrimination. Conservative professor Mary Grabar debunks Gross’s thesis, publishing essays from six white male professors who have been blocked out of higher academia, in her new book, Exiled: Stories From Conservative and Moderate Professors Who Have Been Ridiculed, Ostracized, Marginalized, Demonized and Frozen Out. Most of them cannot obtain well-paying full-time work at four-year institutions, and instead are relegated to “perpetual adjunct status, teaching twice as many classes as the average course load, for wages that work out to be less than minimum."

Ah, yes, that "self selection."  Ms. Alexander has his game: "Yet Gross cannot understand the conservative mind, and wastes the second half of the book analyzing stereotypes and red herrings. Professor Grabar reviewed Gross’s book and concluded, 'Even as he attempts to look fair-minded, Gross presents caricatured pictures of conservatism.'”

No Conservatives Need Apply for This Job:

"Endowed Chair in the Study of Nonviolent Direct Action and Civil Resistance," University of Massachusetts Amherst: from the help wanted ad:

The candidate is expected to become an integral member of the Psychology of Peace and Violence Program at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and should be interested in interdisciplinary collaboration, scholarship, and training of graduate students on issues involving peace, conflicts of interest, nonviolent direct action, and civil resistance. The Psychology of Peace and Violence Program adds to scientific knowledge of how to resolve conflict between groups, promotes reconciliation, and builds peace through cooperation (

Professor Gross, however, might say we "self-select."




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